1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 十 | 百 | 千 | 万 | 亿 | 元 |
壹 | 贰 | 叁 | 肆 | 伍 | 陆 | 柒 | 捌 | 玖 | 零 | 拾 | 佰 | 仟 | 万 | 亿 | 圆 |
Uppercase numbers began in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang issued regulations due to a major corruption case, the "Guo Huan Case," specifying that numerals used in accounting must be represented by complex Chinese characters like "壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰(陌)、仟(阡)" instead of "一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、百、千," to increase the difficulty of altering account books. Later, "陌" and "阡" were simplified to "佰、仟," which have been used ever since.
Numeric Amount | Chinese Numerals | Numeric Amount | Chinese Numerals | Numeric Amount | Chinese Numerals | Numeric Amount | Chinese Numerals | Numeric Amount | Chinese Numerals |
0 | 零元整 | 1 | 壹元整 | 2 | 贰元整 | 3 | 叁元整 | 4 | 肆元整 |
5 | 伍元整 | 6 | 陆元整 | 7 | 柒元整 | 8 | 捌元整 | 9 | 玖元整 |
10 | 壹拾元整 | 11 | 壹拾壹元整 | 12 | 壹拾贰元整 | 13 | 壹拾叁元整 | 14 | 壹拾肆元整 |
15 | 壹拾伍元整 | 16 | 壹拾陆元整 | 17 | 壹拾柒元整 | 18 | 壹拾捌元整 | 19 | 壹拾玖元整 |
20 | 贰拾元整 | 30 | 叁拾元整 | 40 | 肆拾元整 | 50 | 伍拾元整 | 60 | 陆拾元整 |
70 | 柒拾元整 | 80 | 捌拾元整 | 90 | 玖拾元整 | 100 | 壹佰元整 | 200 | 贰佰元整 |
300 | 叁佰元整 | 400 | 肆佰元整 | 500 | 伍佰元整 | 600 | 陆佰元整 | 700 | 柒佰元整 |
800 | 捌佰元整 | 900 | 玖佰元整 | 1000 | 壹仟元整 | 2000 | 贰仟元整 | 3000 | 叁仟元整 |
4000 | 肆仟元整 | 5000 | 伍仟元整 | 6000 | 陆仟元整 | 7000 | 柒仟元整 | 8000 | 捌仟元整 |
9000 | 玖仟元整 | 10000 | 壹万元整 | 20000 | 贰万元整 | 30000 | 叁万元整 | 40000 | 肆万元整 |
50000 | 伍万元整 | 60000 | 陆万元整 | 0.1 | 壹角 | 0.2 | 贰角 | 0.3 | 叁角 |
0.4 | 肆角 | 0.5 | 伍角 | 0.6 | 陆角 | 0.7 | 柒角 | 0.8 | 捌角 |
0.9 | 玖角 | 1.1 | 壹元壹角 | 1.2 | 壹元贰角 | 1.3 | 壹元叁角 | 1.4 | 壹元肆角 |
1.5 | 壹元伍角 | 1.6 | 壹元陆角 | 1.7 | 壹元柒角 | 1.8 | 壹元捌角 | 1.9 | 壹元玖角 |
Chinese Numeral Capitalization Notes
Chinese numerals for capital amounts should be written in regular script or cursive script, such as "壹(壹)", "贰(贰)", "叁", "肆(肆)", "伍(伍)", "陆(陆)", "柒", "捌", "玖", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万(万)", "亿", "元", "角", "分", "零", "整(正)", and other characters. The characters "一", "二(两)", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "念", "毛", "另(或0)" should not be used, and simplified characters should not be created. Traditional characters such as "贰", "陆", "亿", "万", and "圆" should also be accepted.
一、Chinese numerals for capital amounts should end with "元". After "元", "整" (or "正") should be written. After "角", "整" (or "正") may be omitted. If there are "分", "整" (or "正") should not be written.
二、Chinese numerals for capital amounts should start with the words "人民币". If there are "分", "整" (or "正") should not be written.
三、Chinese numerals for capital amounts should start with the words "人民币". The Chinese numerals for capital amounts should immediately follow the words "人民币" without any blank spaces. If the words "人民币" are not printed before the numerals, the three words "人民币" should be added. Fixed phrases such as "仟、佰、拾、万、仟、佰、拾、元、角、分" should not be pre-printed in the capital amount columns of bills and settlement vouchers.
四、When there are "0" in Arabic numerals for lowercase amounts, Chinese numerals for capital amounts should be written in accordance with the rules of the Chinese language, the composition of the amount, and the requirements to prevent alteration. For example:
1. When there is "0" in the middle of Arabic numerals, "零" should be written in Chinese numerals, such as ¥1409.50, which should be written as 人民币陆壹仟肆佰零玖元伍角.
2. When there are several consecutive "0" in Arabic numerals, only one "零" may be written in Chinese numerals, such as ¥6007.14, which should be written as 人民币陆仟零柒元壹角肆分.
3. When the ten thousand and yuan digits in Arabic numerals are "0", or there are consecutive "0" in the middle of the numerals, and the thousand and tenth digits are not "0", only one "零" may be written in Chinese numerals, or "零" may not be written. For example, ¥1680.32 should be written as 人民币壹仟陆佰捌拾元零叁角贰分, or written as 人民币壹仟陆佰捌拾元叁角贰分. Also, ¥107000.53 should be written as 人民币壹拾万柒仟元零伍角叁分, or written as 人民币壹拾万零柒仟元伍角叁分.
4. When the tenth digit in Arabic numerals is "0" and the cent digit is not "0", "零" should be written after "元" in Chinese numerals. For example, ¥16409.02 should be written as 人民币壹万陆仟肆佰零玖元零贰分; and ¥325.04 should be written as 人民币叁佰贰拾伍元零肆分.
Origin of Numerals
The earliest tool humans used to count was fingers and toes, which could only represent numbers up to 20. When the numbers were large, most primitive humans used small stones to count. Gradually, people invented methods such as tying knots to count, or carving numbers on animal skins, trees, or stones to count. In ancient China, small sticks made of wood, bamboo, or bones were used for counting, known as counting rods. These counting methods and symbols gradually evolved into the earliest numerals (digits). Today, Arabic numerals are used as standard numerals in countries around the world.
Our RMB Uppercase Conversion Tool provides a simple and efficient way to convert RMB amounts from lowercase Arabic numerals to uppercase Chinese characters. This tool is essential for financial documentation and formal writing where uppercase RMB representation is required.
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