Number Method Description
1 GET Request specific page information and return the entity body.
2 HEAD Similar to GET request, but the response does not contain specific content, used to retrieve headers.
3 POST Submit data to be processed to a specified resource (e.g., form submission or file upload). Data is included in the request body. POST requests may create new resources and/or modify existing ones.
4 PUT Send data from the client to replace the content of a specified document.
5 DELETE Request the server to delete the specified page.
6 CONNECT Reserved in HTTP/1.1 for proxy servers capable of converting the connection to a pipeline.
7 OPTIONS Allows the client to view the server's capabilities.
8 TRACE Echoes back the received request from the server, mainly used for testing or diagnostics.
9 PATCH The entity contains a table that specifies the differences with the original content represented by the URI.
10 MOVE Requests the server to move the specified page to another network address.
11 COPY Requests the server to copy the specified page to another network address.
12 LINK Requests the server to establish a link relationship.
13 UNLINK Disconnects the link relationship.
14 WRAPPED Allows the client to send wrapped requests.
15 Extension-method Allows additional methods without changing the protocol.

Introduction to HTTP Request Methods Reference Tool

Our HTTP Request Methods Reference Tool offers a comprehensive overview of HTTP request methods according to HTTP standards. HTTP defines multiple request methods to indicate the desired action to be performed for a given resource.

Using our HTTP Request Methods Reference Tool, you can explore:

  • Common HTTP Request Methods: Understand fundamental methods such as GET, POST, and HEAD.
  • Extended HTTP/1.1 Methods: Explore additional methods introduced in HTTP/1.1 including OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONNECT.
  • Method Definitions: Access detailed descriptions and usage scenarios for each HTTP request method.

Key features of our HTTP Request Methods Reference Tool include:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Provides a complete list and explanation of all HTTP request methods.
  • Usage Scenarios: Examples and practical uses of each request method in web development and API interactions.
  • Reference for Developers: Essential tool for developers to understand and implement appropriate HTTP methods in their applications.

Whether you're a developer, student, or IT professional, our HTTP Request Methods Reference Tool serves as a valuable resource for understanding and utilizing HTTP request methods effectively.

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