Introduction to Morse Code Encryption/Decryption Tool

Our Morse Code Encryption/Decryption Tool provides a convenient platform for encrypting and decrypting Morse code messages, including Chinese characters. It is important to note the character separators during decryption.

Using our Morse Code Encryption/Decryption Tool is straightforward:

  • Encrypt Morse Code: Input your message and encrypt it into Morse code.
  • Decrypt Morse Code: Input Morse code and decrypt it back to plain text.
  • Character Separator: Pay attention to the character separator when decrypting messages.

Key features of our Morse Code Encryption/Decryption Tool:

  • Chinese Character Support: Encrypt and decrypt Morse code messages containing Chinese characters.
  • Character Separator Awareness: Ensure correct decryption by observing character separators.
  • Unicode Conversion: Utilizes Unicode for converting Morse code messages.
  • Convenient Usage: Offers a user-friendly interface for Morse code encryption and decryption.

About Morse Code

Morse code is a signal code that consists of dots and dashes, representing different letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.

This code is used to convey messages by varying the sequence of dots and dashes.

Morse code encryption includes characters, numbers, punctuation marks, and supports Chinese characters, ignoring case sensitivity.

Invented by Samuel Finley Breese Morse in 1837, Morse code laid the foundation for the invention of the telegraph machine in 1835.

Morse Code for SOS

Morse code encryption is simple and clear, with minimal ambiguity, using two characters: "." and "-", representing short and long signals.

This encoding is widely used, such as for sending distress signals like SOS.

In Morse code light distress signals, a long light represents "-", and a short light represents ".", allowing the use of a flashlight to send various messages, including distress signals.

If the light follows the pattern "short light dark short light dark short light dark long light dark long light dark long light dark short light dark short light dark short light," it signifies the SOS distress signal.

Because the Morse code for SOS is "... --- ...," according to the above rule, the light code is "three short, three long, three short."

Aside from light signals, distress signals can also be sent using sound (two distinct sounds), a method everyone should be familiar with, as it might come in handy when necessary.

Morse Code Encryption List

I. Morse code encryption for the 26 letters of the alphabet

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
A .━ B ━ ... C ━ .━ . D ━ ..
E F ..━ . G ━ ━ . H ....
I .. J .━ ━ ━ K ━ .━ L .━ ..
M ━ ━ N ━ . O ━ ━ ━ P .━ ━ .
Q ━ ━ .━ R .━ . S ... T
U ..━ V ...━ W .━ ━ X ━ ..━
Y ━ .━ ━ Z ━ ━ ..

II. Numbers Morse Code Encryption

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
0 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 1 .━ ━ ━ ━ 2 ..━ ━ ━ 3 ...━ ━
4 ....━ 5 ..... 6 ━ .... 7 ━ ━ ...
8 ━ ━ ━ .. 9 ━ ━ ━ ━ .

Three, Morse Code Encryption for Punctuation Marks

Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol Character Morse Code Symbol
. .━ .━ .━ : ━ ━ ━ ... , ━ ━ ..━ ━ ; ━ .━ .━ .
? ..━ ━ .. = ━ ...━ ' .━ ━ ━ ━ . / ━ ..━ .
! ━ .━ .━ ━ ━ ....━ _ ..━ ━ .━ " .━ ..━ .
( ━ .━ ━ . ) ━ .━ ━ .━ $ ...━ ..━ & . ...
@ .━ ━ .━ .
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